Gully-sucker service

The service is aimed at individuals, condominiums, companies and enterprises

Filling septic tanks or clogging sewage pipes are everyday issues. Thanks to its speed of intervention and highly specialized staff, Logistica Ambientale provides for the gully sucker service, which can be either  on call or scheduled, and it is aimed at cleaning pipes to significantly increase their performance.

Our services are:

  • Gully sucker: cleaning and clearing of sewage ducts with suitable means;
  • Unclogging with Canal Jet: cesspools, septic tanks, sewers, pipes, and ducts can be easily unclogged thanks to the modern technologies at our disposal;
  • Video inspection: this technique allows the preventive control of any issues which may affect the sewer system, thus becoming more effective and precise during the subsequent intervention;
  • Well cleaning: the regular cleaning and maintenance of the wells allows to avoid problems due to obstruction as well as the overflow of water;
  • Emptying of the septic tank: the septic tank must be emptied when the sewage becomes very dense, or if the density in the first bulkhead is so high that it may obstruct the pipes from the toilet;
  • Drain unclogging: this activity can also be carried out in emergency conditions with particularly effective and fast means which eliminate residues, incrustations and debris from drains and pipes;
  • Removal and transport of liquid waste: in order to provide an overall support to our customer we also take care of the removal, transport, and disposal of the residual waste.

The gully-sucker service provided by Logistica Ambientale is aimed at private citizens and public bodies, stores, and factories.

In compliance with resolution no. 14 of 21/12/2021 of Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali which introduced the new form for the transport of waste derived from sewage maintenance, Logistica Ambientale makes use of the ViViFir virtual authentication system, which has become mandatory as from 1 July 2022 for the aforementioned service and optional for all the others.

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